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Conversar com Kopempack

End of line equipment

More speed, quality and cutting-edge technology for your business

Technical assistance

Kopempack assistance: security, skilled team and the best after-sales service

From Brazil to the world

We export solutions to the main countries in Latin America and serve major national brands

High efficiency and productivity

Our solutions have an outstanding technology that guarantee security, optimization of time and many other benefits for your company

We want to help your business

With 100% Brazilian outstanding technology, we develop innovative machines, with exclusive and customized projects. Learn about our solutions!

  • Qualidade
  • Segurança

Customized products

Agility and efficiency

Guaranteed excellent results

Optimization of production costs


Desvendando mitos sobre a Indústria 4.0

A Indústria 4.0 envolve a integração de tecnologias como Inteligência Artificial (IA) e Internet das Coisas (IoT) na produção.

Quando é a hora de automatizar o processo de paletização?

A automação se consolidou como uma estratégia essencial para a competitividade de qualquer indústria, do início ao final de linha.

Our equipment

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Request a proposal and have the best
technology in the Brazilian market

Contact us


+55 41 3072-0335

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday | 7:45 am to 5:40pm Friday | 7:45 am to 5:05 pm